Walkers vs Riders IF WE KNOW ONE THING for certain… we know you can’t make everybody happy, all of the time. The recent decision to expand walking hours on Presque Isle undoubtedly left a number of residents both troubled by the process as well as disappointed with the decision. At the same time, there are most ... Continue Reading
Challenging Days for People with FOMO
IF YOU'RE KEEPING UP with 21st century acronyms, you probably know about FOMO, or, the fear of missing out. It’s been defined as, “the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are. It involves a deep sense of envy and affects ... Continue Reading
Still the Redmen… but for how much longer?
MANY OF YOU MAY HAVE THOUGHT the MSHS nickname debate a settled issue, having been decided based on the results of a survey put out by the MAPS Board of Education. Well, it isn’t. At last Monday night’s meeting, board Vice-President Glenn Sarka made a motion to include renewed discussion of what to do about our ... Continue Reading
Moving Out… and Up the Ladder
REGULAR VIEWERS OF LOCAL television news are well aware of, or at least somewhat interested in, the career arc of the reporters and anchors they've gotten to know from their many hours of watching them on the flat screen. Since WLUC-TV came on the air some 67 or so years ago, a fair number of their broadcasters ... Continue Reading
Mastering the Plan
THOSE OF YOU FOLLOWING the progress of the city's work on the new Master Plan were no doubt aware of the two community feedback sessions hosted by officials this week. According to Dennis Stachewicz, Director of Planning and Community Development, the workshops were intended to gather the community’s ideas on ... Continue Reading