The Art of Invention THOUGH THE AGE OF RETIREMENT has come and gone, it doesn’t look like local artist/inventor Earl Senchuk plans on slowing down anytime soon. When he’s not on the golf course, he’s still arting and inventing, currently finishing up his latest creation… the Crown FireTent, seen above with the ... Continue Reading
The End is Near
JUST A FEW MORE DAYS and it’ll all be over. I’m not talking about the election to determine our next president. If this race is as close as being predicted, we won’t know who’s won until all the votes have been counted and recounted and challenged in court and counted again and litigated and relitigated and… ... Continue Reading
Unsolicited Observations
Nobody asked, but… The Ore Dock • I was treated to a tour of the expansion going on at the Ore Dock Brewing Company the other day, and I must say, it’s quite impressive. Co-Founders Andi and Wes Pernsteiner are taking advantage of the prevailing interest in all things downtown, the popularity of locally crafted brews, ... Continue Reading
Trash Talkin’
IT HAPPENED ABOUT 30 years ago as I was coming back from a trip downstate. I stopped at a gas station… I believe it was in Seney, to fill up for the final leg home. I had a bag of dead fast food wrappers that I wanted to discard, but I couldn’t locate a trash can, usually found somewhere near the pumps. When I ... Continue Reading
Northern… the new Normal
LIKE MANY OTHER FORMER trolls, I came to Marquette x-number of years ago to attend Northern Michigan University. I figured I’d do my time… up here in God Knows What Country, get out, and head back to civilization to begin my career. Well… I’m still here, and frankly, my experience at that university, and its ... Continue Reading