WITH THE DEMOLITION AND CLEANUP of the former Marquette General Hospital nearing its conclusion, the initial steps are being taken to turn the site into the city’s newest residential neighborhood. The word “transformational” has been used to describe what is about to happen to those 17 acres of prime real ... Continue Reading
A Couple of Coaches • More Words on the Street
IT'S NOT UNCOMMON TO MEET your future spouse where you work, particularly if you share a common interest… like sports. Well, that's what happened when Lindsey LeMay met Matt Majkrzak when both were hired as coaches at NMU in the fall of 2019. LeMay signed on to take over the Women's Lacrosse program while ... Continue Reading
Marketing 101 • Things That Make You Go Hmm…
“What are you running from?” That’s what I like to yell to people I see high-tailing it down the bike path. They never laugh, mainly because running is something they take very seriously. If you know a runner, you know what I’m talking about. (Full disclosure… I’m not a runner. Like many young boys in high ... Continue Reading
Betting on themselves… and finding a niche
GOT SOME EXTRA MONEY lying around? Looking to invest? Well, you can always put it in the stock market. That’s been a pretty good bet over the years. Or, you could play the long odds and buy lottery tickets. Every now and then we hear of someone scratching some cash out of that. Of course, you could visit one ... Continue Reading
In Case You Missed It… “Turmoil” at CAAM
Community Action Alger-Marquette (CAAM) is back in the news as concerns about valuable programs and agency leadership have resurfaced … this time with the Marquette County Board of Commissioners. Regular readers may recall an article that appeared in Word on the Street almost two years ago which recounted a ... Continue Reading