SOME OF YOU WON'T BE reading this until you’re safe at home following your much-anticipated Black Friday escapades. Over the years, what used to be known simply as the Friday after Thanksgiving has become so much more… more than just early rising bargain hunters trying to stretch those Christmas dollars. Now... ... Continue Reading
Music To Your Ears
Fans of Marquette Music Scene, the online live music calendar, were disappointed last month to find their efforts to source the site on Facebook only resulted in being sent to an abandoned site. It seems the popular social media page had been misappropriated (hacked and stolen) by some unscrupulous entity, much ... Continue Reading
Renewable Energy on the FAST Track
State Senator Ed McBroom, along with Representatives Dave Prestin and Greg Markkanen, all of the Upper Peninsula, hosted an Energy Town Hall meeting last night in Marquette Township. A standing-room-only crowd showed up to hear what the three Republican elected officials had to say about new bills dealing with ... Continue Reading
Jimmy John’s on North 3rd… Now Open!
IT WAS MORE THAN 3 YEARS ago when we first reported that Jimmy John's would be vacating their North 3rd Street location and moving south... to another North 3rd Street location. The plan was to put their new store in the building that once housed Border Grill, in the 800 block, just across West Prospect from 3rd ... Continue Reading
Veterans Days
Veterans Days... plural. Tomorrow, November 11th, is Veterans Day, while today is Veterans Day (observed). The reason for the duplication is not to double up on our salute to veterans, but rather to give certain employees a day off, per their employment agreement. When you think about it though, days isn’t a ... Continue Reading