WITH APOLOGIES TO Bob Dylan… yes, the times are changing, but not how he meant in his song of the same name. No, this time the change is more scholarly than spiritual. It’s our annual move, every fall, from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. It complements our annual conversion, every spring, from Standard ... Continue Reading
Self-Checkouts • Drinking for a Cause • A Nickname Idea
Check it out… Yourself I know… you don’t work there. So why, when you thought you were a customer, are you expected to handle the checkout duties? Isn’t that something someone else should do? Like an employee, who gets paid to be there? It was probably Walmart that was first with self-checkout in the area, ... Continue Reading
A Vets’ Home… Where? • Arts and Parks
A Safe Home for Veterans A RECENT GUEST COLUMNIST in the Mining Journal questioned the wisdom of building the new Jacobetti Home for Veterans at the former Cliffs-Dow site on Lakeshore Boulevard. The author’s objections… that you shouldn’t build a vets home on contaminated ground, are representative of a considerable ... Continue Reading
Where Have all the Workers Gone? • Bonus Words
IS IT TRUE? Nobody wants to work anymore? And that’s why businesses are short-staffed? First, let’s acknowledge, only the most masochistic among us truly wants to work. Raise your hand if you’d rather put in a mind-numbing eight in the cubicle, or a cushy five on the golf course. That’s what I ... Continue Reading
What’s In a (Nick)name? • Other Words
Moving on… The MAPS school board held a “Committee of the Whole Meeting" Monday night where they took an initial step in the rebranding process of the high school’s nickname. They're moving on from dropping it to replacing it. The first part has been a little messy, and maybe not yet fully played out. Coming up with a ... Continue Reading