Folks of a certain age can probably remember the time when littering wasn’t the transgression it’s considered to be today. That bag of McDonald’s garbage would just as likely end up on the side of the road as in any waste receptacle. Thankfully, we’ve progressed to a point where we now recognize that the ... Continue Reading
2023 – The Year in Preview
With 2022 now a not-so-distant memory, it’s time to look forward at what we can anticipate seeing happen around here in ’23. It seemed like planners were real busy last year but planning and producing are two different things. I wouldn’t suggest that any of the developments currently on the drawing board are ... Continue Reading
Airing and Sharing Grievances
I know… Festivus, the seasonal celebration known for the airing of grievances, was last week. But it just didn’t seem right to complain about stuff and take people to task just two days before Christmas. So I’m going to air my grievances two days before the new year. It shouldn’t matter anyway. As Kramer ... Continue Reading
Addressing Addresses
New (Affordable?) Homes Affordable housing. It’s the problem that will likely never be fixed, only addressed, with incremental improvements being the best we can hope for. That being said… here’s an incremental improvement that’s going to be life changing for a number of local families. It’s the Habitat for ... Continue Reading
NEWS… Someone finally had the courage to deface the sign promoting the planned North Harbor condo development along Lakeshore Boulevard. VIEWS… Courage? Hardly. In truth, someone has confused civil disobedience with simple vandalism. You don’t like the idea of marshland being transformed into habitable, ... Continue Reading