What are you thankful for? That’s the question I posed to hundreds of our friends and neighbors on my Facebook “friends” list. Exploring thankfulness is nothing new, except this year our “thanks” might look a little different from years past.
I expected, and received, dozens of references to family, friends, faith, and health. The pandemic hasn’t necessarily changed our priorities, but it has certainly clarified them.
But being thankful for good health, a common sentiment, takes on new meaning this year. We’re certainly no longer taking good health, or even life itself, for granted.
While going through my list, I came upon a few names of friends who are no longer with us.
John Kivela. Billy Blohm. Tom Hyslop. Carl Holm. My sister, Gloria.
Remembering them and their passing lends itself to a greater appreciation for every day, and the little things that add up to a life well lived.
T Theresa Hamari says, “I am grateful for every sunrise, everyday!”
Since time is really all we have, we measure our existence by how long we’ve been around… how many sunrises we’ve been here for. No one knows what tomorrow will bring, but if you’re reading this, you’ve been around for at least one more sunrise.
And that’s what I’m thankful for… another sunrise. May it be one of many for all of us.
Marquette Life Coach, Susan Goodkind Wideman, shares some thoughts about gratitude and thankfulness.
Gratitude is a gift for the thanked and the thankful. By expressing simple thoughts and words of love and praise, we not only make others feel good, but we also feel a lot better about ourselves and our lives. This happens because practicing gratitude brings our attention to the present. Each time we exercise our gratitude muscle, we shift our perspective from past disappointments and future fears, to what makes our life worth living right now.
When we are in a state of thankfulness, we are focused, intentional, and in charge of our thoughts. As a result, we are also more in control of our health and well-being. With consistent practice of gratitude over time, we can change our default thinking from negative and diminishing thoughts to positive and fulfilling thoughts. We can enhance our emotional resilience and build our inner strength to combat symptoms of anxiety and depression. And finally, gratitude is free. We can have as much as we want while giving generously to others.
Here’s what some of our friends are thankful for. Enjoy.
Dennis Smith – I am thankful that my wife and children have stayed Virus free and our healthcare system has stayed strong to take care of our community, from the Health Department to the nurses and doctors and to the hospital.
Michael Cardone – That my family and me are still breathing and alive.
Pearl Larson – I am thankful for my health and that I have enough energy to make a Thanksgiving meal for my husband and me, our son and his family, and two neighbors. With Covid restrictions, it will be take-out but nothing beats a homemade Thanksgiving meal.
Nancy O’Hare-Zika – From a business stand point- I’m so thankful for the Yellow Dog Creative team’s ability to pivot and keep rolling through this year. As a small business owner, this company would not have made it through 2020 without their willingness to figure it out and make things work… always with a smile on their faces. I am blessed.
Bobby Glenn Brown – I’m grateful as a local artist to still have my body, voice, mind & health to be available to perform again when these times allow. Also I’m thankful for time with family & friends.
Kim Parker – Thankful for good health in the midst of a pandemic. And praying it continues.
Tiina Morin – I’m thankful I live in a close-knit community. I know this doesn’t shield us from Covid but it makes it so much more bearable. Everyone’s doing their best to keep each other safe and that means so much. I’m thankful for my children and their friends that have somehow managed to excel during this moment, growing stronger, wiser, more determined and disciplined. Like so many students they are working through this moment with patience and grace. I’m thankful for all of them and the light they have shown us.
Erin Verigin – With our family spread over three countries and a parent in an assisted living facility that can’t be visited I am thankful for technology. Even though we can’t be together physically we can still see each other and laugh together.
Andrew LaCombe – I’m thankful for my mom, brother and sister who are always supportive and willing to help me with anything from a big project to a simple task. They’ve been an extra big help this year!
Gary Rasmussen – Four great retirement jobs that put lots of children in my life along with my grandkids.
Amanda Knaffla – I am eternally grateful for the time that this year has provided me to spend with my husband and kids and for my amazing office staff that have dealt with so much this year but kept on going. I am truly blessed.
Sonia and Mike Stucko – We are thankful for our staff that works so hard with us every single day at Stucko’s Pub and their willingness/ ability to adapt to any situation in this current world. We couldn’t continue without them and we look forward to celebrating with them when this is finally over. We are thankful for our family and having a little more time with our daughter who is way smarter than both of us. We are thankful for our friends and extended family, and even though we can’t see them, we know they are healthy and staying safe. Finally, we are thankful for living in the greatest city with such a strong, supportive community.
Nate Noble – Thankful that my daughters and families have stayed safe, thankful that my staff and clientele trust me enough to keep them safe, and most thankful that my wife Nicole and I are still “In Love” and continue to plan our future play dates (Jamaica in spring, Pebble Beach in fall)
Jean Hetrick – I’m thankful for the love of family and friends.
Nick Smaby – I am thankful for God, family, country, community and good health. God first (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) because every subsequent blessing is an unearned, undeserved gift from above. Family, for their total and unconditional love. Country, because America is the land of limitless opportunity for all–even the most broken of us. Community, because Marquette County is a breath-taking place to live that is filled with incredible people. Good health, because I have often not had it, and am very thankful to have it now. Happy Thanksgiving–and remember to give thanks to God for all of our many blessings.
Frida Waara – Where I live!
Kim Kracke-weaver – I am thankful for my sense of humor (which I get from my dad, Kermit) and for my dog Heikki Lunta. She never leaves my side! I am also thankful for my fun business, Grand Marais Outfitters, which gives me an outlet for creativity and a chance to chat with happy people all day long!
Andrew Lorinser – I am thankful for political leaders and government officials who—in an era when partisanship causes people to be increasingly dubious of facts—have the courage to follow science and evidence for the health of citizens and the environment. It is more difficult than ever before to serve and I’m thankful for anyone who steps to the plate to take on such a thankless task.
Stacie Goodreau – Hey! I’m thankful for my healthy family, my job, and wonderful friends… and my cat! Happy Thanksgiving!
Patrick Digneit – This holiday season I’m thankful for my amazing wife Alyssa, fur babies Mando & Millie, and being lucky enough to be a part of the Marquette community!
Kenneth McNally – With sacrifice, come gifts. Helping others is what I’m thankful for.
Debbie Carlson – I am thankful for having a family that likes to take walks together and cook and eat meals together. I am thankful that my car is running well again and I can get to the places I need to go. I’m thankful that my work is considered essential and I as well as my family are in good health. I am also very thankful that I can still practice and perform socially distant and masked music for online viewing which means all my friends and family from far away and near can enjoy from their own comfortable space.
Rob Shirlin – The unconditional mutual love and support of family and friends that radiates throughout our community.
Beth Millner – I am grateful for my family, my incredible coworkers, our caring and supportive community and beautiful natural surroundings.
T Theresa Hamari – I am grateful for every sunrise, everyday! During these unprecedented times I am even more thankful for my husband, Mark “Ham” Hamari for being so positive, making me laughing and keeping it adventurous. I am grateful for my family and friends for their love. I am so fortunate to live in a community that is so supportive of its members. Everyday is a gift.
Stu Bradley – I’m thankful that I live in America and had parents that loved and supported me.
Adam Carpenter – I’m truly thankful for our healthcare workers risking their own health (and their families) during this pandemic. I know you all must be exhausted. I look at you in a similar way as our combat veterans. And you are appreciated as the heroes you are.
Chet DeFonso – The wonderful Marquette Regional History Center, its beautiful atrium, the fascinating and relevant temporary exhibits, the thoughtful permanent display, the well-stocked and cleverly curated gift shop . . . Just everything about it makes me proud to live in Marquette.
Frank Hanford – I’m thankful for my family who I love more than anything… my friends who are my family, and the people who love me for being who I am.
Stephanie Jones – I’m thankful that I get to live in the same community as most of my family and that my air force son in Okinawa can FaceTime me!!!!
Tanya Savage – Although I am not able to see them, I am thankful for my family and their health. I am thankful for the “little things” that I may have once taken for granted. This year has taught me to appreciate what is truly important.
Teresa Whittington – I am beyond thankful for my amazing family- all of them and my best friend! Thankful for all of us staying healthy and for the deep love I have experienced from each of them, which has held us together during 2020.
Chris Brooks – I’m thankful for essential workers and our medical community. We live in a very special place!
Peggy Frazier – I am thankful that every day that passes, we are one day closer to this pandemic being over. I am also thankful that the vaccine news seems more encouraging every day. By July we are visualizing welcoming you to the Boathouse for a magical Lake Superior Theatre season! There will be extra precautions in our new normal, of course. In the meantime, support your friends. Listen. Share their posts. Celebrate that we are still here. Do whatever it takes to feed your soul. There is no power for change greater than discovering what you really care about!
Liz Yelland – I am Appreciative and Grateful for family and friends. Grateful for local businesses, for relationships, which support and enhance our community. A Big Thank-you to all my supportive clients. Blessings to you all.
Jim Simmons – I’m thankful for 3 healthy grandchildren who, luckily for me, live a mile from my house and, luckily for them, have a couple of great parents. They lift my spirits more than anything else.
Mark Canale – I’m thankful to live in an area where people care so much for one another that they would go out of their way to provide food, shelter, clothing, transportation and even prayers to anyone in need whether they know that needy soul or not!
Jennifer Timm – I’m thankful to be an essential worker, that my family is healthy, & that through the challenges that 2020 has brought to everyone, for those who push to be helpful & considerate of others.
Tony Norem – I’m thankful to be able to enjoy life with friends and family through a whole new light after knocking on death’s door and surviving when most didn’t think I would. And thankful to friends and family that donated and helped us through the toughest time in my family’s life.
Judy Morgan – Good health, friends and family that we can’t visit…
Jennifer Stanaway – I’m grateful for friends who have become family, who go out of their way to always reach out to check how things are going, to share a kind word or a, “congrats on a new job!” We can’t always get together, but messages mean a lot… definitely a huge blessing when times are so uncertain!
Anne Fjeldheim Jackson – I am blessed to be a mother to two wonderful children, and thankful that our relationship has grown into friendship as they’ve gotten older and I’m also thankful for my fur baby, Loki, who has been by my side through it all
Tony Stagliano – I am thankful for being able to raise my family in the best place on earth to raise a family: The U.P.! I am also thankful for the people I am surrounded by in my life who love me, soul/funk/blues/rock music, and cudighi.
Jacki Clarke – What I’m truly thankful for is that I have a job I can still do. There are so many people that are out of work right now. I’m thankful that I can make someone’s day brighter by doing their hair and to be someone to listen about their day. Mostly I’m thankful that nobody that I know or love has been sick by this awful virus.
Ann Hilton Fisher – Zoom. I’m so grateful for Zoom. My mother, Miriam Hilton, is 95 and in an assisted living facility which has been closed to visitors since March and has all the residents in their rooms 24/7. We had a few outdoor visits this summer, but masked and six feet apart doesn’t work very well if you’ve got a hearing impairment. Plus, her greatest asset is her smile and we couldn’t even see it. But her facility added staff and promised to facilitate Zoom, Facetime, etc and they’ve lived up to that promise. So every Monday she has a Zoom call with a former pastor and a group of old friends; every Wednesday one with me and my four siblings (who live everywhere from California to Turkey); and every Saturday one with HER four siblings (now all in their late 80s or early 90s) and assorted nieces and nephews. At one point this summer she actually said “isn’t it strange that I sometimes feel more connected now than I have in a long time?” Plus we all get to see her smile.
Sam Eggleston – I am thankful for my wife and daughter, my career, my boys at Superior Central, my friends and my wonderful parents.
Darrell Dettmann – I am so very thankful for the health of my family!
Beth Thiele – I’m most thankful for indoor plumbing and heating. Such creature comforts often taken for granted keep me somewhat healthy and civilized so I can enjoy other enriching elements of life like relationships with family and friends, bringing me to my next answer. I’m so blessed to be a mom to my children and am grateful for this every day, although motherhood comes with its ups and downs. The most accurate description I’ve heard for parenting yet is “exquisite torture.” Funny how contradictory aspects of some things can simultaneously be true, and I’m also grateful I have learned to accept this from life experience.
Gary Perala – Family and Friends!
Sandy Kivela – I’m thankful for my friends and wonderful neighborhood women who love and support each other. I’m especially grateful for all of the delicious food they make and all of the help with my 3 Saint Bernards!
Renee Prusi – My family, my friends, my cats and this year, especially, all the frontline workers and those who work in restaurants, grocery stores and retail. Bless each one of them.
Mark Hamari – During these tumultuous times, I am more thankful than ever for my loving wife T, and my wonderful family and friends. I am thankful for all those putting themselves out there and making a difference in our community and our country. And I’m thankful for our dog Taika, who takes us on long walks and keeps us in good health!!
Toni Greene – I am thankful for my family and friends that been taking care of my 87 year old mother in her final days. Colleen, Kathleen, Danny, Judy, my daughter Danielle… they are all doing a fantastic job. Hoping they all have a great Thanksgiving day… thanks for all your help.
Kristen Whelan – My family of course, but most of all my husband right now. He has been my rock 100%. He always has been and now he needs to be positive just like he tells me daily.
David Balding – My family and music… I would not have made it from March through now without them.
Joe Palmer – I’m thankful for beautiful AZ weather and to finally be able to get together with my stepdaughter and her family at Thanksgiving, even if we have to wear masks and eat outside.
Steve Lindberg – Even in 2020 lots to be thankful for. Probably most thankful for being able to get out in the great outdoors every day.
Tony Beres – I am thankful for my family, my amazing wife (been together since we were 15) and 3 boys and that we are all still healthy after having Covid. Thankful to still be in business after 12 years in the community and area I love. Grateful to have always had such an awesome team and clients. To be able to work and play in such a beautiful location that has a community who really cares about each other and works hard to support each other.
Trisha Collins Grigg – A swimming season & black licorice.
Michelle Bratonia – I am thankful for time spent with my family as we make beautiful memories. We have been blessed with good health, love and happiness.
Jill Leonard – Thankful for so many people and things. Family, friends who are like family, my work family and this wonderful community. 2020 has taught us all to pause and find the kindness. We will get through this and come out stronger!
Shelby Kivela – I’m thankful for technology that has allowed me to stay close to my family and friends all over the country during this unprecedented year!
Kay Bammert – I’m thankful for many things so take your pick: I’m thankful that my husband was able to retire after 30 years of service at NMU, I’m thankful for my daughter and son-in-law being able to purchase a new home this year and honestly I’m extremely thankful for God watching over my son, a uniformed officer.
Nheena Weyer Ittner – I’m thankful for my quarantine partners Neil and Flower, for the generosity of the community toward our Children’s Museum, for my hardworking colleagues keeping it alive and well, but mostly I am thankful for hope of an improved future.
Nicole Wright – I’m incredibly thankful for all the tireless healthcare workers who helped take care of my family & me while I was pregnant this year. No matter how bad 2020 got, it’s the year my son was born and I will always be able to look back on that and be thankful.
Melissa Borro – My higher power.
Jennifer Huetter – I am thankful for my health. It’s been on track this year, which has brought me such relief. I am thankful for a wonderful husband who has supported me with all my ambitions. I am thankful for my team at Brookridge Heights who are amazing individuals and I couldn’t be prouder. I am blessed.
Scott Zerbel – Pizza. Actually, Vango’s Pizza.
Mary Tavernini – I am most thankful for a community that keeps taking care of its own, in so many ways! Everywhere I turn, people are reaching out to help each other, all year round, not just the holidays. And look at where we live… our lake, our beaches, our sunrises and sunsets are off-the-charts gorgeous.
Dave Danis – The amazing family, friends and people I’ve been blessed to have in my life!
Dale Hemmila – Thankful that during this pandemic that my wife and I and our extended families are healthy. Also thankful that we made the decision to add a rescue dog to our household this summer. He has turned out to be a great companion and wonderful addition to our life.
Kevin Clegg – I’m definitely thankful for family, close friends, and our health, but to add something different, I’ll say living in a place where bicycles can be part of my family’s life every day and having a great community of friendly cyclists.
Anne Erspamer – Besides my health and family, my community is a blessing. The outpouring of help if someone is in need is exceptional. Living in the middle of town I see so many interesting people… each with a story of their own. From the locals enjoying a walk, to visitors wanting to see our sights, to NMU students learning the ways of weather and a slower pace of living. It seems like a place folks want to be. As a 4th generation gal, thankful my family settled here.
Dawn Lambert – I am thankful for so much!! I am thankful for my family and friends. And the ability to help my community.
Jamie Weeder – I’m thankful for a perspective-enhancing year. Pivoting coping mechanisms. Realizing live theatre is irreplaceable. Coming together, despite gargantuan forces. Tenacity, patience, hope. The loved-by-their-families-that-are-unable-to-see-them 98 year olds I’m honored to spend my days with. Unapologetically remaining in love with everyone and everything I’ve ever fallen in love with. A community filled with folks that never stop leaning in.
Kirtley Dayton – I am thankful for a tremendous cross-cultural and multi-hemispheric family—my Finnish family on my mom’s side, my wife’s Colombian family—and the health and success of my daughters: two attorneys and a soon-to-be policewoman. I am so very thankful for our country that eventually learns to work out our differences, despite steep challenges. And I am incredibly thankful for what I consider God’s country, the Upper Peninsula, and especially Marquette. Marquette is home to my greatest memories and my dearest friends.
Walt Lindala – I am thankful for the love of a good woman, a job I love to do, a successful band, a roof over my head that doesn’t leak, good friends and living in a great town in a wonderful location.
Jeff Krebs – I’m thankful for family, friends and our wonderful music community.
Sarah Garceau – I am thankful for family and God’s love. 2020 has been a challenging year, and it really opened my eyes as to how precious family truly is. Memories, traditions, holidays… it all comes down to our family and God. God has so richly blessed me with my wonderful family.
Jill Zueger – I am thankful to live in the UP, where even with restrictions, there is always something magical to discover.
Laura MacDonald – I am thankful for our Strong Supportive Community, our health care workers, my loving family and friends, and Start the Cycle!
Sarah Engle – Thankful for the love and support from our community, and for happy and healthy family and friends during the holidays.
Jennifer VanHouse Cosco – Family, friends, food on my table, house over my head, financial stability and the ability to help and support others through tough times. And my good health and the good health of those around me. My city and the people in it. The seasons. The Lake. Sunrises and Sunsets, Nature. I’m thankful for kindness and generosity of spirit in good people. My dog Kirby (no clue how he ended up last on this list. Anyone that knows him knows he deserves and expects top billing LOL)
Kurt Lahtinen – I am thankful for family and friends.
David Kyle – My children and grandchildren.
Sandy Bonsall – I am thankful for four Thanksgivings this year: one in Chicago, one in Detroit, one in Marquette, and one at a hunting camp near Republic! Blessed to have a wonderful family and looking forward to one Thanksgiving in the years to come!
Dave Aro – I’m thankful that I have had the means and opportunity to give back to my community and the people I work with during this unprecedented time. Whether it’s adopting a service industry worker, finding new ways to keep our workers safe, ordering out food from friends’ restaurants, or being able to give our staff some extra money for working through COVID. Next up – Community Christmas Dinner…
Cindy Engle – I’m thankful for everyday, for smiles and giggles, for family and friends, for music and art!
Suzie Saari – Family, including my 88 year old Mom who is still with us to make our lives complete, and healthy new babies in the family. Teachers, Essential workers…including grocery store employees, medical office staff, nurses, restaurant owners and employees. I’m thankful for our clean air here in the UP, where we are fortunate to be surrounded by the most beautiful parts of nature in many seasons. The Great Lakes are a blessing to so many of us. We also have less crime and violence than many others battle daily. I’m thankful for friends and for Kindness. I’m thankful for all of that.
Anna Dravland – I’m thankful for our community and the beautiful, outdoor goodness of the UP. There’s nowhere else in the world I’d rather be during a pandemic.
Virginia Killough – My children, although I can’t be with them. My house and resources to support myself. My friends and Zoom. My health. My cat. My hobbies: I have enough knitting, sewing, hand spinning, and handweaving to do in this house that I could isolate for years if need be. And memories of my late husband.
Brianne Farr – First and foremost, I’m most thankful for the health, safety and wellbeing of my family and friends. I’m also thankful for all the essential workers who have been working 24/7 for the past 9 months. Most are tired and have sacrificed a lot for others, so a big THANK YOU to them. It’s been a year, but there is still a lot to be thankful for.
Jim LaJoie – I’m thankful this holiday season for my health and safety. If 2020 has taught us anything it’s to not take the simple things in life for granted … a warm bed to sleep in, a hot meal to eat and a roof over our heads. Be kind, be thankful and count your blessings.
Jesie Melchiori – Community support during these times! Not only for business but personal projects too!!
Teresa Parnell – So many things to be thankful for… even in a time when you might not know it. For me, it’s my family. Even though we’re not in the same room, we are all safe and well, and… I’m getting a new puppy!
Stacy Haughey – I am thankful for my friend Doug and… my family, the health of my family, heat, freedom, friends, a job, a yard for the kids to run around and quarantine in, the challenging lessons and perspectives this difficult year has taught me, and the hope of a vaccine.
Charley Bastian – I’m thankful for my beautiful daughter and her wonderful new husband and hope they have a great life together. I’m thankful for my mother making it to 96 years old, still living in the house I was raised in and being in reasonable health for her age. I’m thankful for my health… 2020 has had a couple of personal set backs but I’m doing all right.
Rhonda Walker Winter – I’m thankful for the simple things in life that make life so rewarding, like my health and the health of my family and friends, their love and friendship, that makes my life so enriched, and for having an open mind and heart so I can receive and give love. Because of this I have been blessed with so many beautiful people in life.
Christian Verardi – I’m thankful for family, friends, and the entire U.P. community. There really is no place like the U.P. and it’s the amazing people the make it what it is!
Scott “Smart Car” Soeltner – I am thankful for my family, our health, our staff and the community we live in!
David Aeh – GREAT family and friends. Memories, old and yet to be.
Dave Stensaas – I’m thankful for my family and friends, and for health that makes everything else possible. And to my role in the community. I’m thankful to have work that I think is important and helps to positively manage the constant change that is occurring and that creates both real community improvements and opportunities for potential community enhancements. And I’m eternally thankful for easy access to amazing trails, beaches and forestland around Marquette that helps keep me in touch with nature.
James Charles – I am thankful for family, friends, the great community that I live in and the ability to do so many things in life
Dave Bonsall – I’m more thankful than ever for my family. I’m thankful that we are all staying safe and with God-willing, will have many more occasions to get together with an ever greater appreciation of how special these times are.
Greg Zyburt – Having the confidence and trust from the people of Marquette County to re-elect me for another four years to serve as their sheriff.
Greg Mingay – 1. A vaccine will be available soon for the entire world population 2. Books, music and video are available to help people cope during these difficult times. 3. My family and friends are healthy. 4. Upper Michigan has unlimited areas outdoors to explore. 5. I didn’t stub my toes getting out of bed this AM.
Andrew “Bear” Tyler – I’m thankful to work for two amazing companies, Rize U.P. & Doing Business Associates, who appreciate me and share my belief in community stewardship; a familial support system that couldn’t be stronger; a beautiful woman to go home to at night; and to live in a rural community still vibrant with art, music, food, and more!
Tracy Kroken – I am thankful for my family first and foremost. I am thankful for friends and for their health and the health of my family. And I’m thankful for my sense of humor… it keeps me on my toes.
Bill Digneit – I am thankful for many things this year. I am extremely thankful for my family and friends, the compassion the Marquette community shows for their neighbors, and the hope so many have for our future.
Maggie Mahoney – I am thankful for family and friends who support me through good times and bad.
Paul Schloegel – 2020! Yes Covid has been a real crappy side effect of this year we all will look back and wish it never happened BUT, look around and you’ll find so many blessings. The world slowed down and we’re all reevaluating what is the new normal? Working from home? More focus on family? More appreciation for what we have vs what we thought we needed? Strengthening our community and looking out for our neighbors? Don’t let a materialistic world, an election year or some other uncontrollable event weigh you down. Look around and be the difference for someone. It doesn’t take much and you’ll be better off.
Gena Johnson – I am thankful for my friend Faye who is always there for me and my children who are good humans. And dogs and good coffee.
Rusty Bowers – Personally, I am thankful for my family and close friends who always stand by me. And professionally I am thankful for my great job and awesome colleagues that are top notch.
Greg Pond – Thankful for my health, my family, especially my wife, children & grandchildren… my dear extended family is also a true blessing! As for being thankful for positive people… we need more of that in society! Be Kind To One Another! May God Bless everyone for good health & good fortunes!
Jake Larson – I am thankful for kindness, positivity and love.
Claudia Drosen – I am thankful for the frontline workers who administered flu vaccines and shots and Covid tests that were happily negative to my husband and I, so we could meet and hold our first newborn grandchild! Thank you for your bravery, your commitment and your caring spirits!
Chad Ott, Pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church, shares some final thoughts.
As we enjoy Thanksgiving, we take time to remember all the ways God has blessed us. As a Christian pastor, it is my privilege to point people to God’s greatest gift given to all of us—His Son Jesus Christ. So, this Thanksgiving we can all be thankful that no matter who we voted for, or who our president is, God has given us the Lord of lords, and King of kings in His Son Jesus to rule our lives. Whether we find ourselves relatively healthy or fighting a virus, we have a Savior who heals us from our sins and is the Great Physician of our souls. Whether we are anxious about the future or worried about the present, we have a God who has given us a future in heaven through his grace and who is with us every moment of our lives. These are some of the blessings that I will continue to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.