OKAY, IT’S NOT a real one.
But it’s an Earl Senchuk creation that just showed up in the Pocket Park on Washington Street, the same park where Senchuk’s sitting statue of Phil Niemisto is located.
Four feet long. Made out of concrete and steel. It’s located in the back half of the park, not far from some mushrooms that he also donated to the park.
Senchuk’s mushrooms suddenly sprouted overnight, next to Phil Niemisto and the moose.
Senchuk, an acclaimed artist/inventor, actually crafted the moose back in 2006. “But it just sat, tucked away in my yard, for all these years. Nobody ever got to see it.” Now they will.
He works parttime at the Welcome Center and helped conduct a survey a few years back asking visitors what they wanted to see and do in Marquette. One of the top answers? See a moose.
So, their wish has been granted.
Senchuk has grander aspirations, by the way. He’d like to create a ten foot tall moose–a real-eye-catcher–to be located in one of Marquette’s roundabouts. Seems like a helluvan idea. He’d need some money for it, though. Community support. GoFundMe?
In the meantime, we can all enjoy the smaller version appearing in the woods at Phil’s Pocket Park.