DID YOU SEE THE STORY coming out of downstate Alpena about their county library? It seems members of that conservative community have a problem with books they feel are inappropriate for young people being placed on shelves intended for use by anyone… regardless of age or maturity. And they’re not just ... Continue Reading
Westwood No! • Unsolicited Observations
It’s now, officially, laughable. Not because it's funny, because it isn't. Particularly to the business owners trying to make a living out there. In the “You can’t make this stuff up” department, on Tuesday, TV6 News kicked off a three-part investigative series on the bill-paying woes at the Westwood Mall. ... Continue Reading
Power Lines and Parking • Margaret and the Petition
South Lake Street is about to go through some changes. The power poles lining the street, placed obtrusively in the front yards of the street’s ever-evolving homes, are about to come down in favor of buried lines. A few years ago, when the Marquette Board of Light and Power was making plans to replace the ... Continue Reading
Death and/or Taxes
IT WAS ALL THE WAY BACK in 1789 when Ben Franklin declared, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” After Marquette property owners looked at their summer statements, some might question which is worse. In most cases, tax bills went up 5%. That’s the most the city can increase property taxes, so yes… ... Continue Reading
Law & Order MQT
THE HEADLINE ABOVE WAS from a TV6 report originally published on August 19th, 2021. You might think the case against Klint Miller and UP General Contracting would have been settled by now, but alas… after multiple delays for a number of different reasons, there’s still no resolution. If you recall, the local ... Continue Reading