Words on the Street You might remember a couple months ago the city approved the addition of North Third Street to the downtown TIF district, administered by the Downtown Development Authority. Simply put, that means more financial resources will be available for improvements to North Third, which should make locals ... Continue Reading
Ben and Breakfast
MOST OF YOU PROBABLY didn’t know Ben Lauren. I didn’t. I never met the young man. Much of what I know about him is what I’ve gleaned from his obituary and the many other tributes dedicated to him since his tragic passing in 2020. Here is what I’ve learned … Ben grew up in Gwinn, the son of Ron and Carla ... Continue Reading
Updating the LDC!
The Marquette City Commission and the Marquette Planning Commission held a joint work session Tuesday to discuss proposed changes to the city’s Land Development Code. For residents who didn’t attend… that’s everybody but me and Margaret Brumm, I’d like to share some of the ideas presented that may have the most ... Continue Reading
Just Wondering…
Why aren’t dogs allowed in bars? The question comes up every now and then when dog lovers, who just want to have a beer while out for a walk with their favorite pet, find their fury friend is not welcome inside. It’s particularly vexing when outdoor seating is available in a business that doesn’t even serve ... Continue Reading
Unfortunate Endings • A Heartfelt Thank You
I USED TO COUNT ON it as my personal first sign of spring. It was the letter I received inviting my team of underachievers to play in the annual Negaunee Invitational Basketball Tournament. Tournament director John Basolo’s familiar handwriting on the envelope was all I needed to see to know winter was almost ... Continue Reading