THE IDEA THAT YOU CAN'T fight city hall might be put to the test with a couple upcoming projects, notably the proposed hotel on Lakeshore Boulevard, and the more deliberative Spaceport project at Granot Loma. First, we should acknowledge that we don’t actually know how “city hall” feels about either of these ... Continue Reading
Best Buy Bought • Hospital Property Cont… • Music at Lakenenland
Not an Olive Garden YES, THE FORMER Best Buy building is going to be repurposed. But no, much to the chagrin of the rumor mill crowd, it’s not going to be an Olive Garden. The building has been purchased by Sarah and Jordan Wolfenberg of Iron Mountain. They already own a couple other area businesses and are expanding ... Continue Reading
What are we doing… about housing?
THE DAYS OF THE three-figure mortgage payment are long gone. Now, in order to pay the loan and all the ancillary costs of home ownership, it generally takes two steady, healthy incomes. When the top end of housing prices goes up, particularly new houses, the rest tend to follow. What were once high ... Continue Reading
Hospital Property Development… Back in the News
BY NOW YOU MAY have heard of State Representative Sara Cambensy’s involvement in the NMU Foundation’s plan to help facilitate the redevelopment of the former hospital property. Late last week, after hearing from constituents concerned about the process, Cambensy sent a letter to Attorney General Dana Nessel ... Continue Reading
Shaking Things Up… Post-Pandemic Style
AFTER ALL WE'VE GONE THROUGH with the pandemic, and all the changes we’ve made in how we connect with each other… we’re still shaking hands. The custom is so ingrained in our routine, particularly among the “firm handshake” crowd, we’re having a hard time giving it up. Give it up you say... entirely? That ... Continue Reading