No one asked, but… • Kudos to those in the city who are using some strategic thinking as they cut the grass in public areas. The topic came up on social media a few days ago when people noticed the lawn being mowed at the “triangle” on Lakeshore Boulevard. Some had been concerned that the grass wasn’t being cut, and ... Continue Reading
Challenging Days for People with FOMO
IF YOU'RE KEEPING UP with 21st century acronyms, you probably know about FOMO, or, the fear of missing out. It’s been defined as, “the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing better things than you are. It involves a deep sense of envy and affects ... Continue Reading
Mining Their Business
HAVE YOU BOUGHT ANYTHING for a nickel lately? Probably not. A nickel doesn’t buy what it used to. I remember a pinball machine that you could play for a nickel. You could get a candy bar for a nickel. And if you had two nickels, the opportunities were endless! Now… not so much. But nickel… the mineral, ... Continue Reading
Tap Room Opens, Tourism Soars, Mining Truck Collides, Temperatures Plummet, Casino Expansion Starts, and “Do It for Daniel” Going Statewide
A COMPLAINT WE'RE always hearing: "There just aren't enough doggone places in downtown Marquette where you can buy a beer!" (Pause for laughter) Well, we've got a new entrant in the beer-stakes. The Iron Bay Tap Room opened in a very soft launch this weekend. It's right next to the Iron Bay Restaurant and ... Continue Reading
UPPCO’s New Headquarters, Peak’s New Gym, Dark Store Intrigue, and Lundin’s Violations
A BIG COUP for Marquette. UPPCO, which was sold last year by the Chicago-based Integrys Energy Group, will be locating its new headquarters in Marquette. Specifically, at an office complex on Harbor Hills Road, just up the road from Econo Foods. We don't have many headquarters here so this is a pretty big deal--30-35 ... Continue Reading