Brewery buys its next door neighbor FIRST, BLACK ROCKS. No firm plans announced yet, but Marquette's best known brewery has confirmed they're expanding. They closed on a deal a couple of weeks ago to buy the building next door to them on Third Street. "We've needed more space, we've been limited in the types of live ... Continue Reading
Should Marquette County Residents Be Worried About the Coronavirus?
SHORT ANSWER: NO, at least not yet. There have been no cases reported in the Upper Peninsula or in Michigan. And in the United States, the only cases reported so far have shown a direct connection to China. However, a new case was reported just yesterday (Thursday) in which the source of the virus has not been determined ... Continue Reading
Rose’s Dugout, TV 6 Changes, and Backyard Gardens
Neighborhood restaurant is almost ready to go SOON, VERY SOON. That's the word from Rose's Dugout (formerly Fatboyz) in Trowbridge Park. The brand new restaurant/bar should be open no later than mid-March. "Everything's done inside," says co-owner Marty Rose. "All the equipment's in. Now we're just waiting for ... Continue Reading
Lorinser “Recall,” Another Church in a Mall, and a $10,000 Signing Bonus
Lorinser targeted after four months in office POLARIZED POLITICS MARQUETTE-style. A campaign to recall city commissioner Andrew Lorinser has started, apparently because of his very public support for a name change for the Marquette Senior High School Redmen. One of the most outspoken leaders of the recall campaign is ... Continue Reading
What’s Ahead for Marquette Mountain?
SO ERIC JORGENSEN, a highly successful and involved businessman, now owns Marquette Mountain. Has he bought himself a profitable enterprise? And if not, can he transform it into a money maker? "The revenue this season is better than it's been in at least several years," says general manager Andrew Farron, "but it's ... Continue Reading