The Cold Facts There’s good ice, and there’s bad ice. The bad ice, of course, is that on the highway. And though we call them “accidents,” like they just happen, regardless of what we do... most of them can be prevented. I don’t know what else we can say, but… SLOW DOWN! Would you rather be late, or the ... Continue Reading
Presque Isle… In the News Again
Caring for Presque Isle Issues at Presque Isle continue to make headlines as it seems people really, really care about what happens out there. From signage, to parking problems, to the bandshell… to general overall usage, city officials and the Presque Isle Park Advisory Committee have their hands full. That group, ... Continue Reading
The Rocket Racket • Presque Isle – OPEN!
Still Stopping the Rocket The Citizens for a Safe & Clean Lake Superior held a well-attended informational meeting at Big Bay’s Thunder Bay Inn last night, determined to keep the fire burning under the opposition to a proposed Spaceport on the Granot Loma property along the Big Bay highway. At least 60 concerned ... Continue Reading
Presque Isle
Presque Isle Park, locally cherished as the crown jewel of the Marquette park system, is poised for another big season, welcoming residents and visitors alike. Though a car ride around the “island” is usually a great way to kill a half hour or so, the park has a lot more to offer than just what can be seen from inside a ... Continue Reading
A Bohnak Return? • Summer Ready • Bald for a Cause
Bohnak Coming Back to TV? We see his regular reports in the Mining Journal. We hear him on the radio. Will we see him again on television? The word on the street is that Karl Bohnak will be back in front of the weather map with the new station in town, WZMQ. Confirmed? No. Believable? Sure. And why not? It was ... Continue Reading