TWO MAJOR STORMS within a week, and they arrived just about a month after another storm earlier this fall. The heavy snowfall hasn't been the problem even though it's grabbed the headlines. The far more important story was the damage inflicted on Marquette's shoreline by Lake Superior. Major erosion from Presque Isle all ... Continue Reading
TV6:Re-stocking the “Bench” in the Newsroom
IN SMALL TOWN TV newsrooms, you'll generally find two types of broadcast journalists: the "Climbers" and the "Stayers." The Climbers, fresh out of college, come to town for a year or two, learn their trade, endure the low wages and the often heavy work load, and then move on to larger markets with better ... Continue Reading
Two Big Changes Downtown, and the Golf Club Defies the Odds
The Preserve has shut down, but only temporarily AN INTRIGUING TRANSFORMATION taking place at the corner of West Washington and Fifth Street. The Preserve. Three young, entrepreneurial partners opened it more than a year ago as a place to grab something to eat and drink. Sandwiches, beer, and such. Open during the ... Continue Reading
StraightTalk: Evan Bonsall
Brian Cabell sits down with 23 year old Evan Bonsall, Marquette's newly elected City Commissioner, to find out more about this young man's boyhood, his Harvard education, his longtime girlfriend, his hero in life, and his vision of Marquette's future. BC: You were born and raised here? EB: Yeah, I was born and raised ... Continue Reading
A Distillery in Downtown Marquette
THE TWO SIGNS out front--Book World and For Sale--are incorrect. Book World closed down two years ago, and the building was sold two months ago. The new owners, Anne White and Scott Anderson, are planning to convert the former theater and book store into a distillery. Yep, they'll be making gin, vodka, malt whiskey ... Continue Reading