BLACK LIVES MATTER and social media are flexing their muscles in a small but symbolic way at Northern Michigan University. A plaque on campus honoring a onetime benefactor of NMU is going to be removed because of the man's ties to the apartheid regime of South Africa four decades ago. That announcement made by the ... Continue Reading
COVID Optimism, a Trainer Takes the Leap, So Does a Veterinarian, and Kay Jewelers Closes
Can we continue the trend? THE NUMBERS HERE in Michigan look encouraging. Specifically these: New COVID cases in Michigan April 3....1953 April 29....1137 May 18....773 June 10....171 The trend, despite some daily and weekly ups and downs, is unmistakable. We can criticize Governor Whitmer for her ... Continue Reading
The Latest on Pictured Rocks Cruises, Marquette Mountain, the YMCA, and Ben Franklin
The cruises to start amid uncertainty "I THINK IF we get 50% (of last year's volume), we'd consider that a victory." That's John Madigan, the general manager of Pictured Rocks Cruises, talking about prospects for business this summer. The cruises start up next Monday, about a month later than usual because of the ... Continue Reading
Landmark Inn Ramping Up, Looks Toward Revival
Dining to be offered within a few weeks IT'S BEEN A long and eerily quiet spring for the Landmark Inn, one of the UP's most prestigious hotels. Occupancy has been languishing in the single digits during the pandemic scare, restaurants and the pub are closed down, most of the staff has been furloughed. But now ... Continue Reading
Sophie Erber to Leave TV6
IT'S BEEN ALMOST six years, longer than most of us expected her to stay in the Upper Peninsula, but now TV6 anchor Sophie Erber is leaving the UP for the greener (as in dollar bills) pastures of Sioux City, Iowa. "They made an offer I just couldn't refuse," she explains. "I wasn't looking for another job. They just found ... Continue Reading