NO, WE'RE NOT done with the first wave of the pandemic. Not even close. No, the hot weather--as we had desperately hoped--is not making a dent in the COVID numbers. No, the UP is not immune to the spread of COVID. These are the unfortunate truths we face, backed up by stubborn and depressing facts. ... Continue Reading
The Valle’s Deal is Close, and the Tourists Are Here
Financing is in place STEP BY STEP, the conversion of the old, abandoned Valle's market into something more vibrant and exciting--the Third Street Marketplace--is coming closer to reality. Restaurateur Joe Constance is working on a deal to buy the property. "It's not finalized yet but I'm very optimistic," he says. ... Continue Reading
Anchor Shuffle at TV6
THE RECENT DEPARTURE of Sophie Erber from WLUC has led to wholesale changes in the anchor lineup at the local TV news leader. Let's start off with Sarah Blakely, who's been the morning co-anchor for the last two years and has won a lot of fans with her news savvy and her charm. She'll become the new co-anchor with Steve ... Continue Reading
Defamation Lawsuit Unresolved, News Media Squeezed, and Hope for New COVID Financial Aid
Negotiations continue STILL NO RESOLUTION in the local Black Lives Matter/defamation legal case. And now a fourth business, Lake Superior Pizza, has joined the suit, charging that a local man, Raymond Little, defamed them by describing them on Facebook as racist and calling for a boycott of their businesses. The other ... Continue Reading
Searching for Solutions on the Ski Hill and in the Theater, and Pleading for Help for Families in Crisis
No bikes, no weddings CHALLENGING TIMES FOR Marquette Mountain. First, biking on the Mountain, which was to take a major step forward this summer, hasn't happened. COVID restrictions have basically ruled out using shuttles to bring bikers up the mountain. And the rules aren't likely to loosen up. Second, weddings on ... Continue Reading