The owner's not saying much about Superior Stay WE'RE WAITING FOR more news on the former Beacon House which is being converted to a hotel. The sign's gone up: Superior Stay. Renovation has been underway inside for the last few months, the exterior has been painted a very distinctive gray and black (Those seem to be ... Continue Reading
Highway Coffee Cluster, Airport Expansion, Tourism Rise, and a Pitch for Winter Vistors
Three coffee heavyweights to battle it out NO SHORTAGE OF coffee at US 41 and Wright Street. Starbucks and Biggby's are currently stationed about a seven iron away from each other on either side of the highway, and now we get word that Dunkin' Donuts has decided to set up shop smack dab in the middle of its two ... Continue Reading
The Rising Lake, Union Grill’s Future, and a New U.P. Movie
The lake is dropping but don't get too comfortable GOOD NEWS...APPARENTLY...for those of us concerned about rising lake levels on Lake Superior. The lake actually dropped four inches in the last month ending November 15th, and is expected to drop another three inches in the next month. So the crisis is over, right? ... Continue Reading
The Wednesday Farmers Market and Marquette Music Scene
Will there be a second year for the Wednesday market? THE FUTURE OF the Wednesday Farmers Market in Marquette is undecided but we may get some answers next week. The market ended in September after a 16 week run. "It went well for a pilot program," says Myra Zyburt, the Market Manager. "These things take a while to ... Continue Reading
A Lost Election, a Triumphant Campaign
THE POWER OF individual initiative. The importance of civic clubs. This story tells us about both. A couple of months ago, Sally Davis, a candidate for City Commission, was campaigning door to door in south Marquette--engaging with residents on their porches, presenting them with her platform and concerns, and ... Continue Reading